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Переводы произведений М. Ю. Лермонтова на английский язык |
Переводы произведений М. Ю. Лермонтова на английский язык «Герой нашего времени» 1. Sketches of Russian Life in the Caucasus. By a Russe, many years resident amongst the various mountain tribes. London: Ingram, Cook & Co., 1853. 315 p., front., plates (= “The Illustrated Family Novelist”; 2). [“Introductory review of Russian literature” – p. 1-34.] [Вольный перевод романа “Герой нашего времени” с изменением имен; “Тамань” не переведена.] 2. The Hero of Our Days. From the Russian by Theresa Pulszky. London: Hudgson, [1854]. 232 p. (“The Parlour Library”; 112). [Preface – p. 5-7. “Фаталист” не переведен.] 3. A Hero of Our Own Times. From the Russian. Now first transl. into English. London: Bogue, 1854. 231 p., ill. [“Brief notice of Michael Lermontof” – p. 1-3.] [Первое полное издание романа. Без указания имени переводчика.] 4. A Hero of Our Time. By M. U. Lermontoff. Transl. from the Russian with life and introd.by R. I. Lipmann, transl. of Iv. Tourgeiniev’s “On the Eve”, etc. London: Ward & Downey, 1886. XXVIII, 272 p. [“Фаталист” не переведен.] [“Life of M. U. Lermontoff” – p. VII-XXVIII.] 5. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by R. I. Lipmann. London: Vizetelly, [1888]. XXVIII, 272 p. [“Фаталист” не переведен.] [“Life of M. U. Lermontoff” – p. VII-XXVIII.] 6. Taman // Tales from the Russian. Dubrovsky by Pushkin. New Year’s Eve by Gregorowitch. Taman by Lermontoff. London: The Railway and General Automatic Library, [1891]. P. 229-251. 7. Russian Reader: M. Y. Lermontof’s Modern Hero, with English translation and biographical sketch by Ivan Nestor Schnurmann. Cambridge: Univ. press, 1899. XX, 403 p. [Biographical sketch – p. IX-XX.] [Параллельно рус. текст и англ. перевод. “Фаталист” не переведен.] 8. Maxim Maximich // Wiener L. Anthology of Russian Literature. T. 2, part 2. New York; London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1903. P. 157-164. [Рассказ переведен с сокращениями.] 9. The Heart of a Russian. Transl. from the Russian by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray. London: Herbert & Daniel, 1912. VII, 335 p. 10. The Heart of a Russian. Transl. from the Russian, by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray. London: Hodder & Stoughton, [1915]. [VII], 335 p. [То же: London; New York; Toronto, S.a.] 11. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian of M. Y. Lermontov, by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray. New York: Knopf, 1916. 335 p. [Перепечатка издания “The heart of a Russian”. London, 1912.] 12. The Duel. Excerpt from The Hero of Our Own Time. Transl. by T. Pulszky // A Russian Anthology in English. Ed. by C. E. B. Roberts. London: Kegan Paul & Co., 1917. P. 124-137. 13. A Traveling Episode // Little Russian Masterpieces. Chosen and transl. from the original Russian by Z. A. Ragozin, with an introd. and biographical notes by S. N. Syromiatnikoff. Vol. 1. New York: Putnam, 1920. P. 165-198. [Отрывок из «Героя нашего времени».] 14. Fair Smuggler // Masterpiece Library of Short Stories. Vol. 12. London: Educational Book Co., [1923?]. [Перевод повести «Тамань».] 15. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray. New York: Knopf, 1924. 265 p. 16. A Hero of Nowadays. Transl. by John Swinnerton Phillimore. London: Nelson, [1924]. 286 p. 17. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Reginald Merton. New York, 1924. 18. Taman’ // Chamot A. Selected Russian Short Stories. Chosen and transl. by A. E. Chamot. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1925. P. 84-97. 19. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Reginald Merton. With a foreword by D. S. Mirsky. London: Allan, 1928. 247 p. 20. Fatalist. Story. Transl. by G. A. Miloradowitch // Golden Book Magazine. New York, 1928. Vol. 8. P. 491-493. 21. A Hero of Our Own Times. Transl. by Eden and Cedar Paul from the Russian for the Lermontoff centenary. London: Allen & Unwin, 1940. 283 p. 22. Bela. Transl. from the Russian by Z. Shoenberg and J. Domb. London: Harrap, 1945. 124 p. [Текст на рус. и англ. яз.] 23. A Hero of Our Time. [Transl. from the Russian by Martin Parker. Cover and ornament by F. Shtrikhova.] Moscow: Foreign languages publ. house, 1947. 224 p., ill. 24. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Martin Parker. Ill. by D. A. Shmarinov and V. Komarov. Moscow: Foreign languages publ. house, 1951. 175 p., ill. (“Classics of Russian literature”). 25. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray. London, 1954. 26. A Hero of Our Times. Transl. from Russian by Martin Parker. London: Collet’s Holdings, 1957. 174 p., ill. 27. A Hero of Our Own Times. Transl. from the Russian by Eden and Cedar Paul. With an introd. by Maurice Bowra. London; New York; Toronto: Oxford Univ. Press, 1958. XIX, 284 p. (“The worlds classics”; 563). [То же. 1965] 28. A Hero of Our Time. A novel. Transl. from the Russian by Vladimir Nabokov in collab. with Dmitri Nabokov. Foreword by Vladimir Nabokov. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1958. XXIV, 210 p. (“Doubleday anchor books”). 29. A Hero of Our Time. Newly transl. from the Russian by Philip Longworth. London: The New English Library, 1962. V, 152 p. (Four Square Classics; 1022). 30. The Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Martin Parker. With a new introd. by George Reavey. Garden City, N.Y.: Collier Books, [1962]. 190 p. (Classic Collier Books; AS181V.). 31. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Philip Longworth. With an afterword by William E. Harkins. New York: New American Library, 1964. 206 p. 32. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Martin Parker. Ill. by D. A. Shmarinov. Moscow: Progress publ., [1965]. 172 p., ill. 33. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. with an introd. by Paul Foote. Harmondsworth; Baltimore; London: Penguin Books, 1966. 185 p. (Penguin Classics). 34. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Philip Longworth with an afterword by William E. Harkins. Geneva: Edito-Service; London: Heron Books, [1969]. 218 p., plates. 35. A Hero of Our Time. Transl., with an introd., by Irwin Paul Foote. Harmondsworth, 1974 (Penguin Classics). 36. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Philip Longworth; with an afterword by William E. Harkins. London: New English Library, 1975. 206 p. 37. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Reginald Merton; introd. by Peter Forster; lithographs by Dodie Masterman. London: Folio Society, 1980. 175 p., col. ill. 38. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Vladimir Nabokov in collaboration with Dmitri Nabokov. Foreword by Vladimir Nabokov. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1984. XIX, 176 p. (The World’s Classics). 39. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by M. Parker. M.: Raduga, 1985. 175 p., ill. („Русская классика / Russian Classics Series“). 40. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Vladimir Nabokov in collab. with Dmitri Nabokov. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1988. XIX, 210 p. 41. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Vladimir Nabokov in collab. with Dmitri Nabokov; foreword and notes by Vladimir Nabokov; introd.by T. J. Binyon. London: Campbell, 1992. XXIX, 186 p. (Everyman’s Library; 78). 42. A Hero of Our Time. Revised and ed. by Neil Cornwell; transl. by Martin Parker; consultant ed. A. D. P. Briggs. London: Dent / Vermont: Tuttle, 1995. XXI, 180 p. 43. A Hero of Our Time. Revised and ed. by Neil Cornwell; transl. by Martin Parker. London: Everyman’s Library, 1995. XXI, 180 p. 44. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. with an introd. and notes by Paul Foote. London: Penguin, 2001. XXX, 168 p. 45. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by M. Parker. M.: Raduga, 2001. 175 p., ill. 46. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. from the Russian by Vladimir Nabokov in collab. with Dmitri Nabokov. Woodstock: Ardis, 2002. XIX, 210 p. 47. A Hero of Our Time. Transl., with a preface and notes, by Marian Schwartz; introd. by Gary Shteyngart. New York: Modern Library, 2004. XXI, 166 p. 48. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Hugh Aplin. [Foreword by Doris Lessing]. London: Hesperus, 2005. XVII, 169 p. (Hesperus Classics). 49. Taman. From “A Hero of Our Time” // An Anthology of Russian Literature from Earliest Writings to Modern Fiction: Introduction to a Culture. Ed. by Nicholas Rzhevsky. Armonk, N. Y.: Sharpe, 2005. 50. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray. Mineola, N. Y.: Dover Publications, 2006. VI, 182 p. 51. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray; introd. by Mary Albon. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2007. XX, 171 p. 52. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Natasha Randall; foreword by Neil LaBute. New York; London: Penguin Books, 2009. XXX, 174 p. [То же. 2011.] 53. A Hero of Our Time: and, Princess Ligovskaya. Transl. by Martin Parker and Neil Cornwell. Richmond: Oneworld Classics, 2009. XVII, 217 p. 54. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray in 1854; verified and corrected by Alexander Vassiliev in 2010. [Harrow]: Alexander Vassiliev, [2010]. 281 p. (Russian Classics in Russian and English). [Текст на рус. и англ. яз.] 55. A Hero of Our Time. Transl. by Marr Murray and J. H. Wisdom; ed. by Max Bollinger. London: Urban Romantics, 2011. 212 p., ill. Отдельные произведения, избранная лирика, подборки стихотворений в журналах, стихотворения в антологиях русской поэзии 56. The Gifts of Terek. (Transl. Thomas B. Shaw) // Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. 1843. Vol. 54. No. 338. P. 799. 57. Remember’st Thou the Day. (Transl. W. R. Alger) // Alger, William Rounseville. The Poetry of the Orient. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1866. XII, 337 p. 58. The Angel. (Transl. A. Coolidge) // Rubinstein, Anton. The Angel. New York, 1873. 5 p. 59. The Circassian Boy. Transl. [into English verse] through the German, from the Russian of M. Lermontoff by S. S. Conant. Boston [Mass.]: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1875. 60. The Demon. A Poem. Transl. by Alexander Condie Stephen. London: Truebner, 1875. 61. The Demon. Transl. by Alexander Condie Stephen. 2 edition. [S.l.], 1881. 62. Gifts of the Terek. (Transl. A. Staley) // Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. 1884. Vol. 136. P. 250-251. 63. Cossack Cradle Song. (Transl. A. Staley) // Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. 1884. Vol. 136. P. 252-253. 64. Russian Lyrics in English Verse. (Transl. Charles Thomas Wilson). London: Truebner & Co., 1887. XVI, 244 p. [Contains: God’s Presence in Nature; Clouds; The Cup of Life; The Bark; The Dispute; Circassian Song; Cossack Cradlesong; The Prisoner; The Deserter; The Dream; Stanzas; The Nun’s song; Prayer; The Branch from Palestine.] 65. Yearnings. The Rock. The Ship. (Transl. William Stigand) // Rubinstein, Anton. Fifty Songs by Rubinstein, with German and English Words. London: Boosey, 188[?]. 171 pp. 66. Rhymes from the Russian being faithful translations of selections from the best Russian poets Pushkin, Lermontof, Nadson, Nekrasof, Count A.Tolstoi, Tyoutchef, Maikof, Lebedef, Fet, K.R., etc. By John Pollen. London, 1891. 67. Ashik-Kerib. A Turkish Tale for Children. (Transl. E. A. Brayley Hodgetts) // The Strand Magazine. 1893. Vol. 6. P. 543-549. 68. The Demon. (Transl. Francis Storr). London: Rivington, Percival & Co., 1895. 69. The Angel. The Prayer. (Transl. F. Marchant) // Anglo-Russian Literary Society. Proceedings. 1895. Vol. 11. P. 73. 70. The Branch from Palestine. Gratitude (Transl. F. Marchant) // Anglo-Russian Literary Society. Proceedings. 1896. Vol. 16. P. 25-26. 71. Ballad of the Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, the Young Oprichnik and the Gallant Merchant. (Transl. E. Radunsky) // Proceedings of the Anglo-Russian Literary Society. 1899. Vol. 26. P. 50-63. 72. At a Ball. (Transl. Ch. Sidgwick) // Free Russia. (London). 1900. Vol. 11. No. 2. P. 14. 73. Anthology of Russian Literature. Ed. by L. Wiener. New York, 1903. Vol. 2. [From “The Demon”; Dispute; Alone I Wander Out along the Road; The Sail; The Prayer; The Branch of Palestine; Remember’st Thou the Day; At a Ball; Dream.] 74. Yearning (Transl. W. Osterwald) // Rubinstein, Anton. Twelve Songs. New York, 1902. 75. When the Wind Stirs in the Yellowing Corn // Proceedings of the Anglo-Russian Literary Society. 1905. Vol. 43. P. 23. 76. Newmarch, Rosa. Poetry and Progress in Russia. London: Lane, 1907. P. 127-138. [A Palm Branch from Palestine; Lines to ***; The Dream; Circassian Song; The Nun’s Song (from “The Demon”); The Deserter; Selim’s Song.] 77. The Demon. Transl. by Ellen Richter. London: Nutt, 1910. 78. The Testament. Transl. Maurice Baring // Baring, Maurice. Landmarks in Russian Literature. New York, 1910. P. 28. 79. Heavenly Clouds. The Little Fish’s Song. (Transl. H. Chapman and V. Johnston) // Schindler, Kurt. A Century of Russian Song. From Glinka to Rachmaninoff. New York: Schirmer, 1911. XVIII, 239 p. (The Golden Treasury of Music; 16). 80. Voynich, Ethel Lilian. Six Lyrics from the Ruthenian of Tarás Schevchénko, also the Song of the Merchant Kaláshinikov from the Russian of Mikhail Lérmontov, rendered into English verse with a biographical sketch. London: E. Mathew, 1911. 63 p. 81. A Song of Tzar Ivan Vasiljevich, His Young Life-guardsman, and the Valiant Merchant Kalashnikov. A prose transl. by Eugene M. Kayden // Poet Lore. (Boston). 1913. Vol. 24.P. 278-288. 82. The Lonely Pine. The Angel. (Transl. N. Dole) // Rakhmaninov, Sergei. Six Choruses for Two-Part Women’s Voices with Piano Accompaniment. Boston: The Boston Music, 1913. 31 p. 83. Slumber Song (English version by M. Baum, music by A. Gretchaninoff) // Album of Ten Songs by Russian Composers. Boston: Boston Music Company, 1914. 84. Lermontov, M. Poems. Transl. A. Cheney // The Russian Review. 1916. No. 1-2. P. 26-40. [Contains: The Rock; The Angel; A Dream; Tamara; On the Death of Pushkin; The Tsar Terrible.] 85. Lermontov, M. Poems. Transl., introd., notes, biography, and glossary by E. N. Steinhart. London: Paul-Trench-Trubner, 1917. XII, 36 pp.[Contains: The Prophet; The Fugitive; The Angel.] 86. Schindler, Kurt. Masters of Russian Song. New York: Schirmer, 1917. Vol. II. P. 42-43, 58-60, 80-81.[Contains: The Cloud and the Mountain (Transl. D. Taylor); Like to the Sky Serenely Smiling (Transl. G. Harris Jr. and D. Taylor); Cradle-Song (Transl. D. Taylor and K. Schindler).] 87. The Demon. Transl. by Robert Burness. Edinburgh, 1918. IX, 50 p. 88. Lermontov’s Novice. Russian text, accented / with introduction, notes, and vocabulary by J. D. Duff, M. A. Cambridge, 1919. 89. Song of the Little Fish (Transl. R. Hamilton). The Pine Tree. Cradle Song (Transl. C. Prudy) // Newman, Ernest. Modern Russian Songs. Boston: Ditson, 1921. 90. A Sheaf from Lermontov. Transl. J. Robbins. New York: Lieber-Lewis, 1923. XIV, 73 p. [Contains: The Cliff; The Mermaid; A Leaf of an Oak Tree; And Aimless and Lonely; Desires; The Dagger; When Golden-Yellow Harvest-Meadows; The Reed; The Captive Knight; The Sail; The Dispute; Prayer; A Dream; Terek’s Gift; A Song of the Tzar Ivan Vasil’yevich; My Country; The Angel; Clouds; All Alone I Walk upon the Roadway; It Is Not You I Love; Tamara; Thankfulness.] 91. The Demon. Transl. by A. C. Coolidge // Slavonic Review. 1925. Vol. 4. P. 278-307. 92. Wherefore? The Clouds of Heaven. I Suffer. (Transl. E. Agate) // Dragomyzhski, Aleksandr. Mélodies Choisies pour une Voix avec Accompagnement de Piano. Berlin: Bessel, 1927. 93. A Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, His Young Bodyguard and the Valiant Merchant Kalashnikov. Transl. by John Cournos // Dial. (New York). 1928. Vol. 85. P. 181-195. 94. The Demon. Transl. by Gerald Shelly; introd. by D. Mirsky. London: The Richards Press, 1930. 56 p. 95. Lermontov, M. Poems. (Transl. M. Jerrold) // Slavonic Review. 1930. Vol. IX. P. 279-280. [Contains: It Is not Thee I Love in Very Truth; Clouds; Gratitude.] 96. Lermontov, M. Poems. (Transl. C. Manning) // Russian Student. 1931. Vol. VII. No. 9. P. 11, 13, 15. [Contains: The Clouds; A Poem of Peace.] 97. Lermontov, M. A Group of Poems. (Transl. H. Badanes). Belle Harbor, 1933. 21 p.[Contains: The Demon (exc.); To the Child; St Helena; Prediction; The Dagger; Parting; To Saburova; To L***; It Is Weary and Dreary.] 98. Two Brothers. (Transl. H. Badanes). Belle Harbor, [1933]. 99. The Testament. (Transl. Maurice Baring) // Baring, Maurice. Have You Anything to Declare? London, [1936]. P. 243. 100. The Death of a Poet. (Transl. Maurice Baring) // The Golden Age of Russian Literature. Ed. by Ivar Spector. Los Angeles, 1939. P. 44-45. 101. Mikhail Lermontov. In Commemoration of the 125th Anniversary of His Birth // International Literature. 1939. Vol. 11. P. 70-83. [Contains: The Cup of Life; A Sail; When the Yellow Rye Fields; The Daemon; Gratitude; Captive Knight; A Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, His Young Body-Guard, and the Valiant Merchant Kalashnikov.] 102. Three Russian Poets: Selections from Pushkin, Lermontov and Tyutchev in new translations by Vladimir Nabokov. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1944. 103. Selected Minor Poems of Lermontov. (Transl. C. E. L’Ami, Alexander Welikotny // American Slavic and East European Review. 1945. Vol. 4. No. 3-4. P. 80-97. 104. Lermontov, M. Poems // Nabokov, Vladimir. Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, Mikhail Yur’yevich Lermontov, Fiodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. London: Drummond, 1948. 56 p. [Contains: Farewell; My Native Land; The Triple Dream.] [То же: Forest Hill, N.Y.: Transatlantic Press, 1949.] 105. Masterpieces of Russian Literature. From the beginnings to 1863. [An anthology. Compiled by L. B. Turkevich. With illustrations.] Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1964. 106. Demon. Edited with an introduction, notes and vocabulary by Denis Ward. Letchworth: Bradda, 1964. 107. The Demon and other poems. Transl. by Eugene M. Kayden. Introd. by Sir Maurice Bowra. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch Press, 1965. 108. Selected Poetry. Transl. by C.E.L’Ami and Alexander Welikotny. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1965. 109. Lermontov, Michael. [Anthology]. Biography and transl. by C. E. L’Ami and Alexander Welikotny. Winnipeg: Univ. of Manitoba press, 1967. 400 p. 110. Russian Poetry under the Tsars. An Anthology. Transl. and with an introd. by Burton Raffel. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1971. 111. The Novice. Transl. by E. W. Morgan. [Scotland]: [E. W. Morgan], 1975. 27 p. 112. Lermontov M. Selected Works / Избранные произведения. Moscow: Progress, 1976. 301 p., ill. 113. Selected Works [of] Mikhail Lermontov. With an introd. by S. Narovchatov. Moscow: Progress, 1978. 301 p., ill. 114. The Demon: An Oriental Tale: A Russian reader with explanatory notes. Moscow: Russian Language Publishers, 1978. 115. Mtzyri (The Novice). Transl. by H. Kamenka. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1982. 116. The Lay of Tsar Ivan Vassilyevich, His Young Oprichnik, and the Stouthearted Merchant Kalashnikov. Transl. by Zheleznova, Irina L’vovna. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1983. 117. Vadim. Transl. and ed. by Helena Goscilo. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. 169 p. 118. Major Poetical Works [of] Mikhail Lermontov. Transl. with a biographical sketch and an introd. and commentary by Anatoly Liberman. London: Croom Helm, 1983. 119. Narrative Poems by Alexander Pushkin and by Michael Lermontov. Transl. by Charles Johnston. London: Bodley Head, 1984. 120. The Demon. Ed., with introd., notes & vocabulary by Dennis Ward. London: Bristol Classical Press, 1992. 121. Mtsiri. Transl. by Mikhail Petrenko(?). Ill. by Mikhail Petrenko. San Francisco: MikMik pict., 1999. 29 p. |
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